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捐款和筹款对我们在中心所做的工作产生了巨大影响。每年,我们都会参加女子迷你马拉松 - 如果您想参与,请联系我们。   如果您有任何筹款想法,也可以联系我们!


如果您想在线捐款,您可以通过 iDonate 或单击下面的 PayPal 链接进行。 iDonate 接受信用卡付款并允许您设置每月付款 - 只需单击下面的按钮并选择“立即捐款”。通过 PayPal 捐款需要 PayPal 帐户。

以 PayPal 捐款



In all our fundraising activities, the Sexual Violence Centre Cork is dedicated to honesty and transparency, demonstrated by publishing our annual report and audited accounts on our website. Our Board of Directors ensures effective governance by maintaining robust systems and processes, adhering to all legal obligations under charity law, and striving to meet best practice standards. Furthermore, we are committed to safeguarding the privacy of our clients, donors, volunteers, and other stakeholders, ensuring their data remains secure.

Our accounts are prepared annually in accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) for charities.

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